Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet XXI

LET memory of grose abuses sleepe :
Who ouer-shooteth not in recklesse youth?
Were sinnes as redd, as reddest scarlet deepe,
A penitentiall Hart preuenteth ruth.
Well-wishing Charity presumes the best :
Nothing impossible to powreful Trueth.
Body to Graue ; and Soule to Heauen addrest,
Leaue vpon Earth, the follies of their youth.
Some Penury bewaile : some feare Arrest :
Some Parmaes force : fome Spanyardes gold addread:
Some vnderly the terrible inquest :
Some carry a Ielous : some a climing Head.
    We that are dead, releas'd from liuing woes,
    Soundly enioy a long, and long Repose.


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